Joint Resource Allocation Advisory Board (JRAAB)

Terms of Reference

The Joint Resource Allocation Advisory Board is tasked to make recommendation, to Council through PRAC, and to the Conference of Colleges on:

(i)     The annual resource allocation exercise;

(ii)     The identification and proposed treatment of funding streams within the JRAM, including those from government funding bodies;

(iii)     The alignment of the model with the University’s academic strategy;

(iv)     Whether a change in academic strategy and policy requires changes in the JRAM to support collegiate and University objectives and if so the mechanisms which would enable these to be achieved;

(v)     The method for incorporating major change in external funding within the core mechanism of JRAM transparently;

(vi)     Related issues about the management of resources and the funding of activities across the collegiate University, as they arise in the course of the Board’s work;

(vii)     Whether, in the view of the Board, Council and Conference of Colleges should commission a fundamental review of the operating principles and processes of JRAM.

The Board should be primarily an expert body, which will make recommendations for consideration by the wider membership of PRAC and the Conference of Colleges.  

Membership is for three years in the first instance, renewable for one further term. The Chair is nominated by Council and Conference in rotation, each time for a two-year period.


Name Position
Professor Martin Williams (PVC, Education)

Chair (nominated by Conference)

Dr David Prout (PVC, Planning and Resources)

ex officio

Professor Nigel Emptage (Department of Pharmacology)

nominated by Council

Professor Marta Kwiatkowska (Department of Computer Science)

appointed by PRAC/Education Committee

Professor Tobias Reinhardt (Faculty of Classics)

appointed by PRAC/Education Committee

Charles Alexander (Finance Bursar, Merton College) representing the Chair of Conference

Dr Tanya Baldwin (Bursar, St Antony’s)

nominated by Conference
Nancy Braithwaite (Senior Tutor, Pembroke) nominated by Conference

Alex Spain (Bursar, Lincoln College)

nominated by Conference

Officers in Attendance

  • Antony Willott - Director of Planning and Council Secretariat
  • Charlotte Taylor - Director of Financial Planning and Analysis
  • Dr Liz Bills - Senior Planning Officer, PACS (Secretary to JRAAB) 
  • Charlotte Smith - Director, Conference of Colleges Secretariat
  • JRAAB meetings are also attended by The Assessor.

Meeting dates 2023/24

Papers will be circulated approximately one week before each meeting. Please send any apologies for future meetings to the Secretary (

Mon 18th March 2024 3.00 - 4.00 pm

MS Teams