
Planning and Council Secretariat

The Planning and Council Secretariat (PACS) team is responsible for supporting the University’s governance processes including Congregation and Council and its committees. The team is also responsible for the University’s annual planning process, for capital planning and for the University’s strategic plan and its implementation. Our resource allocation section operates the Joint Resource Allocation Mechanism (JRAM), which allocates teaching and research income to departments and colleges, and the Service Charge and Space Charge which apportions central overhead costs.

In addition we maintain the University statutes and regulations, oversee the University’s Trusts and manage Congregation and Convocation elections.

Please get in touch with the relevant team/contact below if you have any questions.

Antony Willott, Director of Planning and Council Secretariat

Email: antony.willott@admin.ox.ac.uk

Martina Harley, PA to Director of PACS and HR & Office Administrator

Email:  martina.harley@admin.ox.ac.uk

Tel:  01865 (2)70008

Emma Canham, Senior Communications and Engagement Manager - Strategic Change

Email: emma.canham@admin.ox.ac.uk

Carolina Gonzalez, Communications and Engagement Officer

Email: carolina.gonzalez@tss.ox.ac.uk

Governance team

The Governance team is responsible for matters relating to the University’s governance, including the servicing of Council and a number of its committees, including the General Purposes Committee, and meetings of Congregation.

The team maintains the University’s statutes and regulations and is responsible for a wide range of other areas of work, including elections by Congregation and Convocation, and the maintenance of Congregation membership. The responsibilities of the individual members of the team are set out below.

Lara McCarthy, Head of Governance

Sarah Cowburn, Senior Assistant Registrar (Governance)

  • Administration of Council and its meetings
  • Secretary of the following committees of Council: the Honorary Degrees Committee
  • Governance: formulating draft policy and advising on University processes and governance-related matters  
  • Secretary of the University’s Prevent Steering Group
  • Email: sarah.cowburn@admin.ox.ac.uk  
  • Tel: (01865 2) 70193

Kristoffer Tiffen, Senior Assistant Registrar (Planning)

Hazel Jessop, Senior Assistant Registrar (Capital and Finance)

Louise Hasler, Assistant Registrar (Governance)

  • Maintenance of the University’s statutes and regulations.
  • Administration of Congregation’s meetings, and management of the Congregation Membership Administrator.
  • Maintenance of the University’s register of delegations.
  • Secretary to General Purposes Committee (GPC), Nominations Committee and Data Assurance Group.
  • Secretary to the Visitatorial Board and Appeal Court.
  • Email: louise.hasler@admin.ox.ac.uk  

Steven Fairhurst Jones, Assistant Registrar (Governance)

  • Secretary of the following committees: Committee to Review Donations and Research Funding (CRDRF), Safety Executive Group, Security in International Collaboration Group (SICG) and Endowment Challenge Fund (ECF) Management Group.
  • Email: steven.fairhurstjones@admin.ox.ac.uk

Aristea Gkontra, Senior Administrative Officer (Governance) 

  • Secretary of the following committees of Council: Curators of the University Libraries; Curators of the University Parks; College Accounts Committee; College Contributions Committee; Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council.
  • Summoner of Preachers and secretary of the Committee for the Nomination of Select Preachers.
  • Secretary of the Benefices Delegacy.
  • Email: aristea.gkontra@admin.ox.ac.uk 
  • Tel:(01865 2) 70373

Genieve Boon, Senior Administrative Officer (Planning)  

  • Secretary of the Joint Student Number Planning Subcommittee (JSNPSC), Officers’ Subgroup of the Joint Fees and Student Support Advisory Group (JFSSAG) & Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee (ESSC)
  • Assistant Secretary of JFSSAG and the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC)
  • Responsible for maintaining the Student Number Planning (SNP) model
  • Email: genieve.boon@admin.ox.ac.uk

Sarah Gardner, Planning Officer (Capital Planning)

  • Secretary of Begbroke Programme Board, Buildings and Estates Subcommittee, Osney Mead Programme Board and Property Management Subcommittee.  
  • Email: sarah.gardner@admin.ox.ac.uk
  • Tel: (01865 2) 70021

Shirley Mulvihill, Elections Officer 

  • Conducts all elections by Congregation to places on Council and other University committees and boards; maintains the elections website.  
  • Co-ordinates elections by Convocation (i.e. of the Chancellor and Professor of Poetry).
  • Manages the administration of appointments by Council to University and external bodies.
  • Responsible for the setting and annual publication of the University’s official dates of term.
  • Email: shirley.mulvihill@admin.ox.ac.uk  
  • Tel:(01865 2) 80463 

Charlie Knight, Administrative Support Officer

  • Congregation membership administration
  • Support for Congregation’s meetings
  • Support for Council and the committees serviced by the Governance team
  • Support for the Governance team’s webpages and Council’s SharePoint site.
  • Email: charlie.knight@admin.ox.ac.uk

Planning and Data team

The responsibilities of the individual members of the team are set out below.

Alex Bush, Head of Planning

Liv Passey, Senior Planning Officer (Strategy)

  • Secretary of Data Governance Group (DGG), Administration Portfolio Committee (APC), and Services Subcommittee (SSC).
  • Strategic planning activities: coordination of reporting on the implementation of the strategic plan; divisional and services planning round.
  • Email: liv.passey@admin.ox.ac.uk

Dr Kathrin Gowers, Senior Planning Officer (Services)

Dr Liz Bills, Senior Planning Officer

  • Leads on the delivery of JRAM , JRAM forecasts and CFF
  • Secretary to JRAAB
  • Produces the annual HESES return
  • Analyses communications from Office for Students (OfS) and Research England about recurrent grant funding
  • Email: liz.bills@admin.ox.ac.uk
  • Tel: (01865 2) 70761

Dr Rachel Cox, Senior Planning Officer

  • Leads on internal service charging - Service Charge and Space Charge
  • Works on Data Strategy and Chairs Data Governance Group and BI Operations Group
  • Email: rachel.cox@admin.ox.ac.uk
  • Tel: (01865 2) 80310

Ayoola Bamgboye, Data Governance Manager

John Parkhill, Information Analyst

Harvinder Wright, Data Analyst

Anna Gilbert, Data Officer

  • Administers the University Organisational Structure
  • Manages the University’s use of Heidi Plus, Higher Education Statistics Agency's (HESA) data portal
  • Compiles the annual HESA Provider Profile
  • Email: anna.gilbert@admin.ox.ac.uk

Post Vacant, Administrative Support Officer

  • Financial administration for Planning & Council Secretariat
  • Support for the committees serviced by the Planning team
  • Support for the Governance and Planning teams' webpages and SharePoint sites.

Trusts Management

Please send all queries about specific trusts or general policy to trusts@admin.ox.ac.uk

Ellen Hudspith, Head of Trusts Management 

Gemma Proctor, Trusts Officer


Please visit the Focus website for contact details.   


University of Oxford University Offices Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JD  