The principal responsibilities of the section are:
- Policy support to Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellors and Senior Officers
- Liaising with the Office for Students (OfS): policy, consultations, funding round
- Student number planning and fee levels
- Strategic Plan development and implementation (divisional and service plans and budgets). Supporting data is available on Tableau. Contact: John Parkhill if you require access
- Support for Capital Planning processes and projects
- Secretariat for Planning and Resource Allocation Committee (PRAC) and its sub-committees
- Secretariat for Joint Resource Allocation Advisory Board, Joint Fees and Student Support Advisory Group, Joint Student Number Planning Sub-Committee
Resource Allocation
- Modelling and operating the Joint Resource Allocation Methodology (JRAM)
- Maintaining the Collegiate Funding Formula
- Operating the Service Charge and Space Charge
Data Management and Analysis
- Regulatory funding returns
- HESA Performance indicators and league table analysis
- Manage access to HESA’s Heidi Plus online database