Elections by Congregation: Statute XII Pool for Constituting Panels (Non-Divisional) - Hilary Term 2020
Information on elections to this constituency held on Thursday, 5 March 2020
Contested Election
Election of one member of one member of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies (non-divisional), elected by Congregation, to hold office with immediate effect until the start of MT 2021
On Thursday, 5 March 2020 the following was duly elected to Council to hold office with immediate effect until the start of MT 2021:
Sally Vine, MA Oxf, Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics
[The votes recorded were: for Mrs Pope, 198; and for Mrs Vine, 267.]
One of eight members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies, not necessarily representing any division and not in any case being nominated in a divisional capacity, elected by members of Congregation, to hold office with immediate effect until MT2021 [vice Professor William Mander, Harris Manchester, Philosophy]
Nominations for elections to this constituency are published weekly in the Gazette and on this website as they are received and processed. The details of any nominations received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.
The following nomination has been received:
Linda Pope, BSc MSc Portsmouth, Bodleian Libraries
Nominated by:
T P Boyt, Parks College
J Duxfield, Somerville, Personnel Services
R Ovenden, Balliol, Faculty of History
A J Sturgis, Worcester, Gardens, Libraries and Museum
The following nomination has been received:
Sally Vine, MA Oxf, Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics
Nominated by:
H C Christian, St Anne's, Faculty of Physiological Sciences
D J Paterson, Merton, Faculty of Physiological Sciences
C D Price, Medical Sciences Divisional Office
J C Taylor, St Edmund Hall, Faculty of Clinical Medicine
Contested elections
In the event of a contested election, candidate statements will be published in the Gazette and on this website. The details of any candidate's statements received can be seen by clicking on the candidate's surname in any adjacent tabs.
I stand for election to serve in the Pool for constituting panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H.
I have over 30 years’ experience in Human Resources, having worked in the public and private sectors, and latterly as HR Director for Aston University and then the Royal Agricultural University. I joined Oxford University in 2018 and currently lead the HR Shared Service for the Bodleian Libraries and Ashmolean Museum.
I have been a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development for over 20 years and my MSc is in Human Resource Management (1996).
Having been involved in many such panels such as those convened under Statute XII, both advising the panel and presenting the case, and having also managed cases going before Employment Tribunal, I feel that my experience will make me a useful panel member. I can bring a perspective grounded in the University and academia, but also from other sectors such as policing, Local Government, Further Education and a private/public joint venture.
Approaching my second anniversary at the Bodleian Libraries, I am now keen to have involvement in and contribute to the wider University.
[191 words]
[No statement submitted]
General notes
Nominations in writing for the elections on 5 March, by four members of Congregation other than the candidate, will be received by the Elections Office, at the University Offices, Wellington Square, up to 4pm on 6 February.
At least one nomination in respect of each candidate must be made on an official nomination form (available on www.admin.ox.ac.uk/elections/forms/index.shtml).
All candidates are asked to note the general requirements which apply to all committee members, as set out in Council Regulations 14 of 2002 (General Regulations of Council for Committees) (www.admin.ox.ac.uk/statutes/regulations/519-122.shtml). Current members seeking re-election are also asked to check for specific restrictions on consecutive service. For further information, please see the eligibility (https://governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/ information-about-university-elections) and amendments to nominations (https:// governance.admin.ox.ac.uk/key-election-stages-and-procedures) sections within the Information about Elections pages of this site.
Candidates are invited to include with their nomination forms a written statement of no more than 250 words, setting out his or her reasons for standing and qualifications for the office being sought.
In the event of a contested election, candidates’ statements are online at www. admin.ox.ac.uk/elections and published in the Gazette dated 20 February. Voters may wish to wait until they have read these statements before returning their ballot papers. Ballot papers will be sent out to eligible voters as soon as possible after the closing date for nominations. Completed ballot papers must be received by the Elections Office not later than 4pm on 5 March.
If the number of nominations received by the closing date is no more than sufficient to fill the vacancies, the candidates nominated shall be deemed to be duly elected as of the close of the nomination period on 6 February. When required, places will be allocated according to academic standing, as defined in Council Regulations 22 of 2002, Part 2: Academic Precedence and Standing, made by Council on 26 June 2002.
If the number of nominations received by the closing date is less than sufficient to fill the vacancies, those candidates nominated will be deemed elected unopposed, and the remaining vacancies will lapse, in which case, in accordance with the regulations, the places must remain vacant until appointments are made jointly by the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors.
For further information, please contact the Elections Officer (shirley.mulvihill@admin.ox.ac.uk).
General Information about this constituency
This constituency is comprised of 8 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies, not necessarily representing any division and not in any case being nominated in a divisional capacity, elected by members of Congregation.
Elections to this constituency restrict candidates to those members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies (that is: professors, readers, associate professors or lecturers; any employee of the University who is a member of the Universities Superannuation Scheme or who would be a member if he or she had not been exempted under the provisions of Statute XIV; and the Vice-Chancellor to the extent and in the manner set out in Part G of Statute XII).
This means that all members of Congregation are eligible to nominate a candidate or to vote, but prospective candidates who want to stand for election must be a member of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies.
The full term of office is three years (or less, when a by-election is held to fill the residue of the term of office for an elected member who is standing down early).
Further information about the Pool
Members of the Pool will be chosen by lot to serve on a number of Panels under Statute XII (i.e. Redundancy Panel (Section 14 (6)), Staff Employment Review Panel (Section 35) and University Appeal Panel (Section 52 (2))) and may be expected to also chair a Panel. Each member of the Pool will be required to attend appropriate training, including on equality and diversity, before serving on a Panel.
College staff are not covered by Statute XII as colleges have their own statutes. The exception is college staff at Kellogg, St Cross and Parks, which follow the University's statutes. Any staff holding joint appointments will, however, be covered by Statute XII in respect of their University contract of employment and duties.
The terms of reference and membership of this body are set out in Council Regulations 3 of 2017
For further information, please contact the Secretary
Elections to this body
Contact the Elections Officer
For further information, please email the Elections Office.
University of Oxford elections
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