Pool for Constituting Panels convened under Statute XII Parts B, D and H

Members are appointed to serve on Panels on a case-by-case basis. Links to relevant Regulations and Statutes can be found on the right hand side of this page.

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Membership as at HT 2025 will be as follows

  Name Conditions of appointment Until

Mr Thomas Hall, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent the Division of Humanities, elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[2] Professor T William Child, University, Faculty of Philosophy As above HT 2029
[3] Professor Tobias Reinhardt, Corpus Christi, Faculty of Classics As above TT 2028
[4] Ms Zoe Townsend, Faculty of History As above HT 2029
[5] Alexandra Vincent, Keble, Humanities Divisional Office As above TT 2028
[6] Dr Caroline Thurston, Humanities Division As above HT 2029
[7] Annette Miller, Department of Statistics One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent the Division of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[8] Vacancy [vice Dr Jocasta Gardner, Mathematical Institute Office]  As above HT 2029
[9] Dr Mary Fridlington, MPLS Divisional Office  As above HT 2029
[10] Dr Tracy Gale, MPLS Divisional Office  As above HT 2029
[11] Joanna Stoneham, Dept of Statistics Office  As above TT 2028
[12] Vacancy [new position]  As above TT 2028
[13] Dr Jo Snoeck, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent the Division of Medical Sciences, elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[14] The Revd Professor Robert Gilbert, Magdalen, Faculty of Clinical Medicine  As above HT 2029
[15] Vacancy [vice Miss Gillian Morris, Medical Sciences Divisional Office]  As above HT 2029
[16] Vacancy [vice Mr Boyd Rodger, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics]  As above HT 2029
[17] Mr Christopher Price, Medical Sciences Divisional Office  As above TT 2028
[18] Leila Whitworth, Medical Sciences Divisional Office  As above TT 2028
[19] Mr Peter Franklin Routh, ODID One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent the Division of Social Sciences, elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[20] Professor Andrew Dickinson, St Catherine's, Faculty of Law  As above HT 2029
[21] Professor Giles Wiggs, School of Geography and the Environment  As above HT 2029
[22] Ms Vacancy [vice Charlotte Vinnicombe, Law Faculty Office]  As above HT 2029
[23] Meghan Lawson, Social Sciences Divisional Office As above TT 2028
[24] Jenny Hayward, Department of Economics As above TT 2028
[25] Mrs Abigail Hipkin, Bodleian Libraries One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent Gardens, Libraries and Museums (GLAM), elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[26] Vacancy [vice Mrs Laura How, Nuffield, Bodleian Libraries]  As above HT 2029
[27] Linda Pope, Bodleian Libraries  As above HT 2029
[28] Vacancy [vice Dr Chris Thorogood, Botanic Garden]  As above HT 2029
[29] Perry Bushell, Bodleian Libraries As above TT 2028
[30] Tom Boggis, GLAM As above TT 2028
[31] Vacancy [vice Annette Miller, Dept of Statistics Office] One of 6 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies to represent University Administration and Services (UAS), elected by members of Congregation HT 2029
[32] Hazel Jessop, Planning and Council Secretariat  As above HT 2029
[33] Jo Lateu, Academic Registrar's Office  As above HT 2029
[34] Pete Mandeville, Proctor's Office  As above HT 2029
[35] Lara McCarthy, Planning and Council Secretariat As above TT 2028
[36] Anna Myers, Public Affairs Directorate As above TT 2028
[37] Dr D Haggarty, Centre for Tropical Medicine Office One of 10 members of Congregation to whom Statute XII applies, not necessarily representing any division and not in any case being nominated in a divisional capacity, elected by members of Congregation MT 2025
[38] Ms Sally Vine, Dept of Physiology, Anatomy & Genetics Office As above MT 2025
[39] Dr Luke Pitcher, Somerville, Faculty of Classics As above MT 2025
[40] Ben Caldecott, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment As above MT 2025
[41] Anne Harkness, Dept of Biochemistry Office As above MT 2025
[42] Liesl Elder, Development Office As above MT 2025

Ms Carol Baggiolini, Dept of Materials Office

As above MT 2025
[44] Mr Edward Gibbs, Nuffield Department of Medicine Office As above MT 2025
[45] Mr Joel W Atkin, Dept of Cardiovascular Medicine As above TT 2028
[46] Kathrin Gowers, Planning and Council Secretariat As above TT 2028
    Secretary:  (Ms Kathryn Fairhurst Jones: Central Human Resources)

There are no regular meetings of The Pool. Members are appointed to serve on Panels on a case-by-case basis.

Statutes and Regulations

Please use the links below to view regulations relevant to The Pool for Constituting Panels:

Statute XII - Part B

Statute XII - Part D

Statute XII - Part H

Council Regulations 3 of 2017 

Links to other relevant regulations can be found here:

Council Regulations 1 of 2017

Council Regulations 2 of 2017


Contact us

Kathryn Fairhurst Jones

Policy Officer (Governance)

Central Human Resources
