A resolution concerning Council’s self-review was published in Gazette No. 5202, p418-422, 26 April 2018.
The meeting of Congregation was cancelled. Following the withdrawal of the resolution at (2) below regarding Council’s self-review 2018, the sole remaining business comprised questions to which no opposition had been notified and in respect of which no request for adjournment had been received. The Vice-Chancellor has accordingly declared the resolutions at (1) below approving the conferment of Honorary Degrees carried without a meeting under the provisions of Sect 7 (1) of Statute IV.
(1) Declaration of Approval of Resolutions approving the conferment of Honorary Degrees
No notice of opposition having been given, the Vice-Chancellor has declared the resolutions authorising the conferment of Honorary Degrees approved.
(2) Resolution regarding Council’s self-review 2018
This resolution was withdrawn at the request of the signatories.