The Data Strategy Implementation Programme (DSIP), funded by Digital Transformation, aims to improve the accessibility, visibility and quality of centrally held administrative data for users across the University. For information about how the programme is governed see Data Strategy Implementation Programme (DSIP) Governance.
There are three areas of focus and the activities being planned under each are listed below:
Data Governance
The programme is supporting the University in developing the way we govern our data with specific activities aimed at:
- designing, piloting and embedding a joined-up approach to data issue logging and resolution
- ensuring key data has adequate foundations in place to maintain quality and prevent issues
- making sure there is a clear framework of roles and responsibilities for data, and that it is embedded in the University's governance and management structures
- ensuring an embedded approach to Data Strategy implementation, with aligned plans and monitoring centrally and locally
- creating a culture where everyone takes responsibility for the University's data and can benefit from the improvements being delivered via the programme through enhanced engagement and training, including creation of ongoing communities and channels
Business Intelligence (BI)
The programme will develop our reporting capabilities to support colleagues across the collegiate University through:
- identifying and prioritising the University’s key reporting and insights requirements surfaced through the University Strategic Plan, the Digital Transformation Programme, the new Digital Governance and through dialogue with key University stakeholders
- delivering agreed prioritised reports and insights and ensure these are available to those that need them
- optimising the data, reporting and insights portfolio so that it answers users’ needs; avoids duplicating reporting outputs; addresses barriers, and minimises ongoing maintenance burdens
Data Tools and Infrastructure
The programme is working to improve the underpinning technical architecture to facilitate linkages between data held in key enterprise systems and enable more agile and responsive data preparation and sharing. Instrumental in this is the ongoing Data Warehouse project.