Congregation Meeting, 25 June 2024

For full text of questions and Council’s reply see Gazette No 5426, 20 , p541. 

The questions were taken as read, and Council’s replies read out by the Registrar.  Due to the size of the agenda, elucidatory questions were invited by correspondence by 4pm on Tuesday 25 June.  No questions were submitted.

A debate on a resolution published in the Gazette, No.5424, p.513, 6 June 2024 took place at the Congregation meeting on Tuesday 25 June.
Text of resolution:

‘To continue to require the graduate application fee from those who do not meet our access criteria and for all of this income to be used for graduate access initiatives and scholarships.’ 

Speakers in the debate (in order):
Professor David Gavaghan (mover of resolution), New College
Professor Helen Swift (seconder of resolution), St Hilda’s
Professor Christopher Lintott (mover of opposition to the resolution), New College
Professor Ben Sheldon (seconder of opposition to the resolution), Wolfson
Revd Professor Robert Gilbert, Magdalene
Professor David Marshall, St Hugh’s
Dr James Robson, Education/GTC
Dr Nandini Gooptu, ODID
Professor David Gavaghan (reply), New College

Professor Christopher Lintott (reply), New College

Result of vote:
The result of the vote taken was in favour 142 votes, against 138 votes.  The resolution was therefore declared carried. However, a postal vote was subsequently requested, so an electronic ballot will be arranged.  In the meantime, the resolution shall not be deemed to be operative nor to have been carried or rejected.

A debate on a resolution published in the Gazette, No.5422, p.479, 23 May 2024 took place at the Congregation meeting on Tuesday 25 June. 

Text of resolution: 
‘That a Redundancy Panel be constituted to consider whether to recommend dismissal by reason of redundancy in respect of one member of staff under the jurisdiction of Statute XII but who is not required or undertakes in their role academic teaching or research.’

Speakers in the debate (in order):
Ms Kate Mavor (mover of resolution), St Cross
Professor Anne Trefethen (seconder of resolution), St Cross
Professor Jeff Tseng (mover of opposition to the resolution), SEH
Professor Naomi Waltham-Smith (seconder of opposition to the resolution), Merton
Professor Sir Andy Pollard, St Cross
Professor Rafael Ramirez, Said Business School
Professor Lord Lionel Tarassenko, Reuben
Professor Robert Vilain, St Hugh’s
Dr Fernanda Pirie, St Cross
Professor John Parrington, Worcester
Professor Heather Hamill, St Cross
Boyd Rodger, Wellcome Trust Centre for Genetics
Kate Mavor (reply), St Cross
Professor Jeff Tseng (reply), SEH

Result of Vote:
The result of the vote taken was in favour 130 votes, against 139 votes.  The resolution was therefore declared rejected. However, a postal vote was subsequently requested, so an electronic ballot will be arranged.  In the meantime, the resolution shall not be deemed to be operative nor to have been carried or rejected.

The above transcript was published as a supplement to the Gazette of 4 July 2024.

The transcript of the meeting is published here. Postal votes were requested in respect of both resolutions. In line with contemporary practice, these were delivered electronically by Civica. Voting closed on 1 August; the outcome of the votes is published below, and the original report of voting from Civica is attached here.

QUESTION: To continue to require the graduate application fee from those who do not meet our access criteria and for all of this income to be used for graduate access initiatives and scholarships.

Result No. votes
For 1,505
Against 440


OUTCOME: The resolution will be carried.


QUESTION: That a Redundancy Panel be constituted to consider whether to recommend dismissal by reason of redundancy in respect of one member of staff under the jurisdiction of Statute XII but who is not required or undertakes in their role academic teaching or research.

Result No. votes
For 936
Against 893


OUTCOME: The resolution will be carried.

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