The Information and Digital Committee

About the Information and Digital Committee

The Information and Digital Committee (IDC) works with leaders on digital strategy and policy across the University to deliver the digital services needed to support a world-leading research University.   The Committee is responsible for 

  • ensuring the digital priorities are aligned with the strategic aims of the collegiate University.  
  • securing an appropriate funding settlement to fund digital services and their development, together with the digital skills for the staff and students
  • allocating funds to Portfolio Committees 
  • providing funding to meet emergency needs and to be bid against for innovative projects.  
  • the policies covering the use of IT, security, data and information policies.  

It will receive dashboard reports on services from the Portfolio Committees and will take responsibility for the overall risk register for digital services. 

Relationships with other committees

While not a full Committee of Council, Information Digital Committee sits alongside those committees, and makes regular reports to Council on its activities. It receives reports from the Portfolio Committees, three of which have dual reporting lines to another committee.  

The Information Digital Committee Chair will be responsible for running the IDC meetings (assisted by the Secretariat); ensuring the Committee fulfils its terms of reference, and, within agreed parameters, taking action to progress business between meetings. The Chair will provide leadership on digital services, lead on discussions regarding funding for digital services with other Committees, and report to Council when required. 

Members of Information Digital Committee will attend meetings and contribute to discussions, providing operational as well as strategic expertise in their areas, ensuring business and digital activity are aligned and acting as advocates and champions for the digital services within their remit. 

Meeting frequency

Information Digital Committee is expected to meet at least twice a term.

Digital Services at Oxford

Click here to go to the University's digital hub on SharePoint.


Contact us

You can find a list of key contacts and information about the membership of the Information and Digital Committee here.

 Contact us