Safety Executive Group

The Safety Executive Group (SEG) is responsible for creating and monitoring the management strategy and policies necessary for the University to discharge its legal and other obligations in respect of occupational health, safety and the environment. The committee receives and considers relevant reports and audit findings and manages the Safety Network. It also receives minutes and comments from the Consultative Committee on Health & Safety. It meets termly but also remains active between meetings to ensure that urgent health and safety matters can be actioned promptly. SEG reports annually to Council on the main matters discussed.

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Membership as at TT 2024 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until beginning of
[1] Professor Martin Maiden, Hertford A person appointed by Council as co-chair of the group MT 2025
[2] Mrs Gill Aitken The Registrar as co-chair of the group ex officio
[3] Senior Proctor (Professor Thomas Adcock, St. Peter's) One of the Proctors and the Assessor as may be agreed between them ex officio
[4] Professor Patrick Grant, St Catherine's The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)  ex officio
[5] Professor Martin Williams, New College The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) ex officio
[6] Mr Lukasz Bohdan The Director of Assurance ex officio
[7] Mr Leslie Wright The Director of Occupational Health and Safety ex officio
[8] Dr Markos Koumaditis The Director of Human Resources ex officio
[9] Mr Paul Goffin The Director of Estates ex officio
[10] Mr Simon Boddie The Chief Financial Officer ex officio
[11] Professor Graham Taylor The Chair of the Building and Estates Subcommittee (interim) ex officio
[12] Dr Tracy Gale, MPLS The Divisional Registrars of each division ex officio
[13] Mr Chris Price, Medical Sciences The Divisional Registrars of each division ex officio
[14] Mr David White, Social Sciences The Divisional Registrars of each division ex officio
[15] Alexandra Vincent, Humanities  The Divisional Registrars of each division ex officio
[16] Lindsay Rudge GLAM Divisional Registrar and COO ex officio
[17] Vacancy One member of a faculty within the Social Sciences or Humanities Divisions, with expertise in a relevant area, appointed by Council, taking into account the overall balance of the group’s membership  
[18] Professor Stephen Hyde, Radcliffe Department of Medicine One member of a faculty within the Medical Sciences or MPLS Divisions, with expertise in a relevant area, appointed by Council, taking into account the overall balance of the group’s membership MT 2026
Co-opted (The Group may co-opt up to four additional members, who shall hold office for such period as the Group may determine 
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Steven Fairhurst Jones)
Date Time Venue
Tuesday 22 October 2024 15:00-17:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 28 January 2025 15:00-17:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 6 May 2025 14:00-16:00 3rd Floor Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building
Tuesday 22 July 2025 14:00-16:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 21 October 2025 15:00-17:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 27 January 2026 14:00-16:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 12 May 2026 14:00-16:00 Room 3, Wellington Square
Tuesday 28 July 2026 14:00-16:00 Room 3, Wellington Square




For the regulations of the Safety Executive Group (SEG), please click here:


Contact us

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Planning and Council Secretariat