Part 20: Information and Digital Committee

Made by Council on 11 October 2007

Amended on 29 May 2008, date of effect 1 October 2008, 15 January 2009, 19 July 2012 and 8 August 2014 (Gazette, Vol. 144, p. 608-611, 24 July 2014),  9 August 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.632, 25 July 2019), 4 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.217-218, 17 February 2022) and 7 July 2023 (Gazette Vol. 153, pp. 440-1).

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

1.1. The Information and Digital Committee shall consist of:

(1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital) who shall chair the committee;

(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education);

(3) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources);

(4) the Registrar;

(6) the Chief Information Officer;

(7) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;

(8)-(11) the Head of each Division or their representative;

(12) one person from Gardens, Libraries, and Museums;

(13), (14) two heads of services appointed by the Registrar;

(15), (16) two members of college governing bodies appointed by the Conference of Colleges;

(17) one student member representative, selected by the Council of the Oxford University Student Union from among the student member representatives on Council;

(18) a representative of early career research staff, nominated by the Oxford Researcher Hub.

1.2. The committee may co-opt two independent members, as well as a representative of any sub-group established by the Information and Digital Committee which is not otherwise represented on the committee.

1.3. The committee shall be responsible for all matters relating to the University's digital estate including strategies, services, facilities, and policies, ensuring services meet institutional and user needs whilst being aligned with the institution's overarching strategic aims. In particular it will:

(1) maintain a catalogue of digital services and oversee their delivery and development;

(2) own the overarching digital strategy for the University, working with other committees to ensure it aligns with the institution's aims and objectives;

(3) keep the implementation of the digital strategy under review, reporting to Council at least annually.

1.4. The committee will have the powers to create any sub-groups it sees fit to support the performance of its responsibilities, including but not limited to Portfolio Committees for: Education; Research; Administration; Engagement and Dissemination; and, Technology and Cybersecurity. The committee will agree the membership of its sub-groups, ensuring that other members of Council are consulted on the membership of Portfolio Committees operating within their policy remits.

1.5. Sub-groups may be responsible for the following as is appropriate for their area:

(1) oversee the development and delivery of a catalogue of digital services allocated to it by the committee;

(2) contribute to the committee's financial planning by preparing funding proposals to be fed into central financial planning processes;

(3) approve business cases for investment in services, within the delegations of financial responsibilities set out by the committee;

(4) monitor and report on expenditure and performance of the services within its remit to ensure services are delivered efficiently and effectively;

(5) report to the committee regularly and to other groups as necessary on the services within their remit and their own performance.

1.6. Where the committee's sub-groups operate within the remit of another committee, the membership of the sub-group will be agreed in consultation with the other committee.

1.7. The committee will seek expert advice from other groups on matters within its remit, including, but not limited to data management, information compliance, and cyber security.

1.8. Regarding funding and financial management, the committee will:

(1) commission multi-year business cases from the portfolio committees to determine the overall quantum of funding required for digital services and submit proposals for funding in line with central financial planning processes, including bids for transformation initiatives;

(2) allocate block grants to the portfolio committees, working within the agreed financial settlement;

(3) agree the portfolio committees' annual plans and delegate authority to approve expenditure, with proposals which exceed the delegated authority being referred back for approval;

(4) manage bids from the funds retained by the committee;

(5) receive regular reports from the Portfolio Committees on in-year expenditure, rebalancing allocations as necessary.

1.9. Regarding reporting and assurance, the committee will:

(1) commission reviews of service streams to ensure user needs are met and services represent value for money, recommending actions as required;

(2) review the performance of suppliers, and manage vendor relationships;

(3) consider current capability relating to digital services, their delivery, and plans to address any issues;

(4) agree a common set of key performance indicators and monitor delivery via a standardised dashboard;

(5) report to Council as required on an annual basis on the state of University Digital Services;

(6) own the top-level risk register for digital services and provide reports as required;

(7) oversee the response to internal audit reports.

1.10. Regarding policy and standards, the committee will:

(1) ensure that development of services and subsequent changes are compatible with the technical infrastructure and digital strategy;

(2) be responsible for the development and review of regulations and policy relating to the delivery and use of digital services within the University, including data and cybersecurity, and monitor compliance.

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