Part 18: Safety Executive Group

Amended on 23 March 2006, 15 February 2007, 28 June 2007, 15 January 2009, 24 February 2011, 30 June 2011, 7 June 2013, 7 August 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 145, p. 694-696, 23 July 2015), 1 August 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 692, 7 July 2016), 5 June 2020 (Gazette, Vol.150, p. 404-405, 21 May 2020), 4 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.217, 17 February 2022) and 8 April 2022 (Gazette, Vol. 152, p.276-277, 24 March 2022)

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

Membership and meetings

1.1. The Safety Executive Group will consist of:

(1) a person appointed by Council as co-chair of the group;

(2) the Registrar as co-chair of the group;

(3) one of the Proctors and the Assessor as may be agreed between them;

(4) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research);

(5) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education);

(6) the Director of Assurance;

(7) the Director of Occupational Health and Safety;

(8) the Director of Human Resources;

(9) the Director of Estates;

(10) the Chief Financial Officer;

(11) the Chair of the Buildings and Estates Subcommittee;

(12)–(15) the Divisional Registrars of each division;

(16) the Chief Operating Officer of Gardens, Libraries and Museums;

(17) one member of a faculty within the Social Sciences or Humanities Divisions, with expertise in a relevant area, appointed by Council, taking into account the overall balance of the group’s membership; and

(18) one member of a faculty within the Medical Sciences or MPLS Divisions, with expertise in a relevant area, appointed by Council, taking into account the overall balance of the group’s membership.

1.2. The group may co-opt up to four additional members, who will hold office for such period as the committee may determine.

1.3. A representative of the Conference of Colleges will be invited to attend meetings of the group.

1.4. The group will:

(1) meet at least once each term;

(2) have access to and be expected to participate in a shared online space through which decisions will be made, issues addressed, and the group’s actions tracked in a decision log (the content of which will be formally reported to the group at each meeting);

(3) be given access to the training and support required to ensure that they are competent and comfortable in their roles.

1.5. The quorum for the group will be not less than six members. Where decisions are taken outside of meetings, these will be approved by a minimum of three members of the group (including at least one of the Pro-Vice-Chancellors and one of the Divisional Registrars or the Chief Operating Officer of Gardens, Libraries and Museums).

Themes and support

1.6. The group will have collective responsibility for promoting a positive culture, setting strategy and implementing policy on behalf of Council in respect of safety, occupational health and the environment within the following five themes. Members of the group will take lead responsibility for the themes as indicated and the group will delegate authority for decision making within these themes and to these or other individuals as it considers appropriate:

(1) People, being the responsibility of the Director of Human Resources supported by the People Committee. This theme includes: training; occupational health; wellbeing; first aid; work-related stress and mental health; and consultation, including with the Trade Unions.

(2) Research, being the responsibility of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) supported by the Research and Innovation Committee. This theme includes: laboratories; fieldwork; high-risk agents, equipment and research facilities; research partnerships; and safety as a component of research governance.

(3) Education, being the responsibility of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) supported by the Education Committee. This theme includes: implementation of policy in all educational activities; safety and ergonomics of teaching spaces; students’ engagement and compliance; and student placements and educational partnerships.

(4) Implementation, being the responsibility of the Divisional Registrars supported by the divisional and departmental committees and by the Directors of Risk, Compliance and Assurance and of Occupational Health and Safety. This theme includes: engagement from divisions and departments; assurance reporting; events and public spaces; and domestic and international travel and transport.

(5) Estate and environment, being the responsibility of the Director of Estates and the Chair of the Building and Estates Subcommittee, supported by the Building and Estates Subcommittee. This theme includes: construction (including maintenance, repair and compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations); fire safety; environmental compliance; control of contractors; electrical safety; asbestos; and grounds and gardens.

1.7. The group will agree and keep under review the terms of reference and membership of a Network Steering Group (supported by a Safety, Health and Environment Operations Network) which will deal with operational aspects of safety, occupational health and the environment, and will support the group in all of its responsibilities. The group will have the ability to delegate appropriate decision making powers to the Network Steering Group.

1.8. The group will expect to receive full co-operation from all staff and students of the University in relation to all aspects of the group’s activity.


1.9. The group will agree and keep under review the terms of reference and membership of a Consultative Committee for Health and Safety and will:

(1) maintain a Schedule of Safety Consultations;

(2) ensure that meaningful consultation takes place with the Consultative Committee in advance of any significant changes to the policies or arrangements which the group is responsible for; and

(3) make its decision log and the minutes of its meetings available to the Consultative Committee.

Enforcement action

1.10. The group will have the authority to recommend and to take whatever action it deems necessary in relation to matters of safety, health and environmental protection where the group considers practices to pose imminent potential danger or there to be a significant risk of enforcement action from appropriate authorities. This will include the authority to issue internal notices to prohibit continued work in cases of serious or persistent noncompliance with policies for which the group is responsible, or with Health and Safety legislation.

Remit and other responsibilities of the group

1.11. The remit of the group extends to work-related, sporting and other society activities which take place away from University premises and to parties on University premises or who may be affected by the University’s work and activities, as well as to matters covered by legislation including fire safety, food safety and the transport of dangerous goods.

1.12. In respect of the themes set out above, the group will:

(1) keep under review the University’s legal and statutory obligations and identify and monitor where basic standards are not being met or are at risk of not being met;

(2) undertake horizon scanning for emerging legislation and risks, and review these in terms of policy and operations to enable compliance;

(3) consider major findings of internal and external audits and investigations, and the management responses to these, ensuring recommendations are implemented; and

(4) monitor the effectiveness of audits and planned audits to ensure their completion and resourcing.


1.13. The group will receive and act on the following in relation to safety, occupational health and environmental issues:

(1) reports, minutes and other comments from the Consultative Committee for Health and Safety and the Network Steering Group;

(2) internal and external audit findings, performance statistics, and correspondence with enforcing authorities; and

(3) reports or requests from other committees.

1.14. The group will report as follows:

(1) following each meeting, to Council on the principal matters which it has discussed including an update on progress against key targets; and

(2) at any time to Council on any matter which it regards as necessary to bring to the attention of Council.


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