Data Assurance Group

Responsibility for oversight of process, systems and review to ensure accurate and valid external data returns rests with the Data Assurance Group (DAG), chaired by a senior manager appointed by the Registrar, which reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee.

The remit of the Committee is as follows:

  1. The Data Assurance Group (DAG) will be responsible for oversight of a framework for risk management, and assurance of accuracy and timeliness of external data returns.

  2. DAG will provide assurance on the accuracy and timeliness of external data returns directly to Audit and Scrutiny Committee as required, but at least on an annual basis.

  3. The Chair of DAG will be appointed by the Registrar and will be a senior individual at top management level with strategic responsibility for the management and co-ordination of data quality assurance, noting that operational issues are the responsibility of the senior managers and teams responsible for congruent areas.

  4. Members of DAG will include, but will not be limited to, the senior managers responsible for data and for major external data returns for the University. The DAG will have oversight of the data assurance policies which cover congruent groupings, each of which will have a nominated senior individual responsible for data quality:

  • Finance Data
  • Student Data
  • Staff Data
  • Estates Data
  • Research Data
  • Development and Alumni Relations Data
  1. The Group will liaise with those responsible for risk, assurance, data governance, data protection and data security at the University level.
  2. DAG will have standing items on a termly agenda which ensure review and revision of data assurance issues, to ensure that material changes are co-ordinated and communicated.

Membership 2024-25

  Name Role
[1] Antony Willott (Chair) Director of Planning and Council Secretariat (PACS)
[2] Dr Rachel Cox Senior Planning Officer, PACS, and Chair of the Data Governance Group
[3] Eugenio Barrio Research Information Lead
[4] Lomin Saayman Information Records Manager in Asset & Space Management
[5] Trish Pease Financial Accountant, Financial Reporting (until November 2024)
[6] Heidi Hunt Head of Student Records 
[7] Sarah Rowles Team Leader, HR Analytics
[8] Andrew Hobbs Head of Development and Alumni Systems
[9] Dr Shirin Tahzib

Director of Software Solutions

[10] Mark Foster

Audit and Assurance Manager (Assistant Secretary of

Audit and Scrutiny Committee)

Secretary: Louise Hasler (PACS)


Michaelmas Term 2024

Date Deadline for papers
Monday 16 September Monday 2 September
Wednesday 20 November Wednesday 6 November

Hilary Term 2025


Deadline for papers

Wednesday 5 March

Wednesday 19 February

Trinity Term 2025


Deadline for papers

Wednesday 11 June

Wednesday 28 May



Contact us

Planning and Council Secretariat

Louise Hasler, Secretary to DAG