1. Congregation shall have the following legislative and other functions, powers, and duties:
(1) to decide on proposals submitted to it by Council for amending, repealing, or adding to the statutes or regulations;
(2) to decide on resolutions submitted by any twenty or more of its members that Council should be instructed to make proposals for amending, repealing, or adding to the statutes or regulations;
(3) to consider any other resolutions submitted to it by Council or by any twenty or more of its members;
(4) to exercise the powers in relation to regulations assigned to it in section 18 of Statute VI;
(5) to take note of the replies to questions asked by any two or more of its members;
(6) to confer degrees;
(7) to make the elections laid down for it in any statute or regulation;
(8) to approve the appointment of the Vice-Chancellor;
(9) to perform any further duties or to exercise any further powers laid down for it in any statute or regulation.
2. (1) Any resolution passed by Congregation or other act done or decision taken by Congregation in accordance with the statutes and regulations shall bind the whole University.
(2) A decision taken by Congregation to amend, repeal, or add to any of the following statutes shall not take effect without the approval of Her Majesty in Council:
Statute I
Statute III
Statute IV (sections 1-4 only)
Statute V (section 1 only)
Statute VI (sections 1-20 only)
Statute XII
Statute XV (sections 1-6 only)
Statute XVII
(3) A decision taken by Congregation to amend, repeal, or add to Part D of Statute XVI or the Schedule shall not take effect without the approval of Her Majesty in Council unless that Part or the Schedule expressly permits.
(4) To cover some specific case, Council may (where it is otherwise lawful to do so) by resolution suspend the operation of any statute other than:
(a) the statutes specified in sub-section (2) above; or
(b) so much of Part D of Statute XVI and the Schedule as cannot be amended, repealed, or added to without the approval of Her Majesty in Council.