1.1. The Research and Innovation Committee shall consist of:
(1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) who shall chair the committee;
(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Innovation);
(3) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;
(4), (5) two persons appointed by Council from among the members of Council;
(6)–(9) four persons appointed by Council, one of whom shall be external to the University and the other persons to be appointed from the divisions;
(10) one external member appointed by Council;
(11)–(19) two persons appointed by each divisional board and one person from the Gardens, Libraries and Museums;
(20), (21) two members of college governing bodies appointed by the Conference of Colleges;
(22), (23) two graduate student member representatives appointed by the Oxford University Student Union, normally one from the Medical Sciences Division or Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and one from the Humanities Division or Social Sciences Division.
1.2. The committee may co-opt up to three additional members for such periods as the committee shall deem appropriate (normally one of whom shall be nominee of the Chief Executive Officer of Oxford University Innovation Ltd).
1.3. In appointing the members at 6.1 (3)–(9) above, Council shall have regard to the need to ensure that the committee has sufficient knowledge of the operation of the research councils and the principal charities which fund research in UK universities, that it has sufficient expertise of funded research and innovation (including through collaboration with third parties) and that its membership includes members of the University’s research staff.
1.4. The committee shall:
(1) be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of those aspects of the Strategic Plan which relate to the University’s research and research-related activities (in consultation with the academic divisions and, where appropriate, the Education Committee and the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee);
(2) be responsible for University policy and planning issues relating to research, knowledge exchange, innovation, commercial and social entrepreneurship and public engagement with research;
(3) keep under review the external influences on the development of research (and closely related matters such as postgraduate research training (in consultation with Education Committee), knowledge exchange, innovation, commercial and social entrepreneurship and public engagement with research), advise Council on the implications of these developments for the University and ensure that procedures are in place so that effective responses to external research policy reviews and research-related consultations are made on behalf of the University;
(4) in conjunction with the divisions, facilitate the preparation for external reviews of the quality of research produced by members of the collegiate University and its impact, and co-ordinate as appropriate the use of systems to assist in gathering the required data from across Oxford;
(5) be responsible, in conjunction with the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, for the University’s policies and procedures for costing and pricing of research, including full economic cost recovery and overheads;
(6) be responsible for policies which promote the responsible conduct of research and meet the relevant regulatory requirements and on the management of risk associated with these issues, and approve on behalf of Council the annual statement of compliance with the national Concordat to Support Research Integrity;
(7) approve the annual report of the Central University Research Ethics Committee (CUREC) and changes to the University’s policies and procedures on research involving human participants and personal data as recommended to the committee by CUREC;
(8) make appointments to CUREC and CUREC’s sub-committees as set out in Part 13 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002;
(9) receive for information divisional three-year rolling plans in so far as they relate to the research plans of the division to help inform and set University-level strategy and priorities;
(10) seek to promote and to facilitate interdivisional research and research-related activities and interaction with research activity in colleges;
(11) oversee and keep under review the University’s membership of major international research alliances;
(12) be responsible for the development of the University’s institutional strategies on innovation, knowledge exchange and public engagement with research, and the evaluation of institutional progress against those core strategies and plans.