Part 36: Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee

Made by Council on 9 April 2021 (Gazette, Vol. 151, p. 163, 25 March 2021)

Amended by Council with effect from 4 March 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.218, 17 February 2022), 3 June 2022 (Gazette, Vol 152, p. 380, 19 May 2022),15 July 2022 (Gazette, Vol.152, p. 457, 30 June 2022) and 2 August 2024 (Gazette Vol. 154, p. 602, 18 July 2024).

36.1. The Environmental Sustainability Subcommittee of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee shall consist of:

(1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) who shall chair the subcommittee;

(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (or nominee);

(3) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (or nominee);

(4) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital) (or nominee);

(5) the Chief Financial Officer (or nominee);

(6) the Director of Estates (or nominee);

(7) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;

(8)–(11) one representative of each of the academic divisions with relevant expertise, appointed by the head of each division, respectively;

(12) a representative of Gardens, Libraries and Museums with relevant expertise, appointed by the Head of Gardens, Libraries and Museums;

(13) a representative from the Department for Continuing Education with relevant expertise, appointed by the director of the department;

(14) a representative of the Conference of Colleges, elected by the Conference of Colleges; and

(15) one sabbatical trustee of the Oxford University Student Union.

36.2 The subcommittee may co-opt up to six additional members with relevant expertise in environmental sustainability who shall hold office for such period as the committee may determine.

36.3 The subcommittee will be a subcommittee of, and report to, the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee.

36.4 The University acknowledges the importance of environmental sustainability in carrying out its principal objects and this acknowledgement is fundamental to the work of the subcommittee.

36.5 The subcommittee shall:

(1) oversee the implementation of the University’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy which will include a timeline to achieve net zero carbon and biodiversity net gain;

(2) in accordance with the allocation limits set out in Statute XVI and the Financial Regulations:

(i) make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the establishment of the Oxford Sustainability Fund;

(ii) make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the ongoing management of the Oxford Sustainability Fund;

(iii) make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the annual budget of the Oxford Sustainability Fund;

(iv) delegate responsibility for approval of expenditure up to the value of the budget or any other specified amount;

(v) oversee the Oxford Sustainability Fund and receive termly reports from the Environmental Sustainability team on its income and expenditure; and

(vi) make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on existing and new sources of income and level of sustainability funding needed to implement the Environmental Sustainability Strategy;

(3) Annually review the University’s carbon emissions and biodiversity impacts, and measure the University’s progress against the timeline in the Environmental Sustainability Strategy for the following purposes:

(i) to report annually to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee, for onward report to Council;

(ii) for inclusion in the University’s Financial Statements and Annual Review; and

(iii) to report on progress to staff and students;

(4) Review the Environmental Sustainability Strategy every five years and report, with recommendations as appropriate, to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee.

36.6 The Planning and Resource Allocation Committee shall make delegations to the subcommittee to take decisions, including in respect of spending from the Oxford Sustainability Fund. The subcommittee shall consider and make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on sustainability matters outside its delegation as it considers necessary, including recommendations:

(1) for the implementation of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy; and

(2) to ensure that environmental sustainability is embedded in the University’s governance and decision making.

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