1.1 The Quality Assurance Subcommittee of the Education Committee shall consist of:
(1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education), or their nominated deputy, who shall chair the subcommittee;
(2) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as may be agreed between them;
(3)-(7) a person appointed by each division and the Department for Continuing Education;
(8)-(12) the Quality Assurance Officers from each division and the Department for Continuing Education;
(13) the Chair of the Senior Tutors' Committee;
(14) the Chair of the Graduate Committee of the Conference of Colleges;
(15)-(16) two sabbatical officers of the Oxford University Student Union being usually the Vice-President (Undergraduate Education and Access) and the Vice-President (Postgraduate Education and Access).
1.2. The subcommittee shall report to the Education Committee at least once each term and shall meet not less than once each term.
1.3. The subcommittee will consider all quality assurance matters arising out of Education Committee's terms of reference, and in particular the University's institutional responsibility for threshold standards, quality of learning opportunities, enhancement, and public information in the context of the Office for Students’ regulatory framework.
1.4. The subcommittee will keep under review from the institutional perspective:
(1) the implications for the University as a whole of the quality indicators (including relevant data) available to divisions, the Department for Continuing Education and colleges to monitor the quality assurance of all aspects of learning and teaching and student provision;
(2) the effectiveness of the institutional policy frameworks for the quality assurance of all aspects of learning and teaching and student provision;
(3) the reports provided by divisions, the Department for Continuing Education and other University or college bodies dealing with all aspects of the quality assurance of learning and teaching and student provision.
1.5. In addition to its termly report, the subcommittee will refer to Education Committee proposals (including recommendations) on the following matters:
(1) any major aspects of the University's preparation for Institutional Review or major changes in the national framework for quality assurance;
(2) any new quality assurance aspects of proposals for new courses, and major changes to existing courses;
(3) any issues arising from divisional and Education Committee joint reviews which warrant wider consideration and might suggest the need for institution-wide development;
(4) any major changes or concerns relating to the conduct of assessment, where there are (or may be) systemic implications for the University;
(5) any matters related to the institutional policy framework for quality assurance related to any aspect of teaching and learning and student provision where it is proposed to make significant changes to the existing framework.
1.6. The subcommittee or officers acting on its behalf shall have delegated authority to consider the quality assurance aspects of the following specific matters on behalf of Education Committee with report to the committee as appropriate:
(1) reports on the annual quality assurance templates;
(2) outcomes of the University's agreed student surveys;
(3) new course proposals and major changes in existing courses;
(4) collaborative agreements including exchange arrangements;
(5) Final Honour Schools and First Public Examination outcomes;
(6) Proctors' reports;
(7) Common Framework annual returns;
(8) divisional or Department for Continuing Education reports on internal and external examiners' reports, with special regard to the maintenance of threshold academic standards;
(9) college academic provision reports;
(10) operation of the University's services as they relate to Quality Assurance matters, with special regard to the quality of learning opportunities;
(11) outcomes from divisional and Education Committee joint reviews, including interim reports;
(12) the institution-wide provision of information for students, via handbooks, examination conventions and websites;
(13) the effectiveness of institution-wide mechanisms for enhancement.
1.7. The subcommittee will also consider any matter referred to it for advice by Education Committee.