Part 15: Conflict of Interest Committee

Made by Council on 30 July 2009

Amended on 18 March 2010, 11 October 2012, 8 March 2013 (Gazette, Vol. 143, p. 372-373, 21 February 2013) and 8 July 2016 (Gazette, Vol. 146, p. 658, 23 June 2016)

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

15.1. The Conflict of Interest Committee shall consist of:

(1) a chairman appointed by Council who is not a member of Council;

(2)–(5) one member of Congregation appointed by Council from each of the Divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities;

(6) one external person appointed by Council.

15.2. The committee may co-opt up to three further members, who may be internal or external, for such periods as the committee sees fit to ensure an appropriate range of expertise.

15.3. The committee shall report to the General Purposes Committee of Council and shall be responsible for:

(1) advising University bodies, Oxford University Innovation Ltd, appointing authorities, and individual staff members or students (in appropriate circumstances);

(2) monitoring the University's Policy on Conflict of Interest and making recommendations in the light of experience, and of good practice guidelines established by outside bodies;

(3) ensuring that there are appropriate systems in place to promote and monitor compliance with the Policy on Conflict of Interest;

(4) reviewing Annual Declarations of External Interest and alerting the appropriate University body where further clarification or action is required;

(5) advising the General Purposes Committee, or any relevant committees, as appropriate, on cases of difficulties referred to it;

(6) giving advice in the case of individual questions referred to it;

(7) performing any such other action on behalf of Council in relation to the University's Policy on Conflict of Interest as may be required from time to time; and

(8) reporting to the General Purposes Committee, on an annual basis, on the operation of the committee and the policy over the prior year.

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