1.1. The Buildings and Estates Subcommittee of the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee shall consist of:
(1) a Chair, who shall be appointed by Council, who shall also serve on the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee of Council;
(2) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources);
(3)–(6) one person appointed by each of the Heads of Division;
(7) the Director of University Library Services and Bodley's Librarian or a person nominated by the director;
(8) a person appointed by the Gardens, Libraries and Museums Board from among the directors of the University's museums;
(9) the Chief Finance Officer or nominee;
(10), (11) two persons elected by Congregation;
1.2. The subcommittee may co-opt up to two additional members, who may be external.
1.3. The subcommittee shall be responsible to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee for management and maintenance of the University estate (including the functional estate, green estate and other residential and investment property held and managed by the University), except for matters which are the responsibility of divisions, and other bodies.
1.4. (1) In particular, the subcommittee shall:
(a) consider and advise the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the allocation of land and property in the functional estate, ensuring allocations align with University approved masterplans and institutional plans;
(b) monitor and advise the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on matters relating to the condition of the University estate;
(c) supervise the leasing of residential and investment property held by the University;
(d) make proposals to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the acquisition and disposal of property within the estate, except the purchase of land for development within the remit of the Strategic Capital Steering Group;
(e) make recommendations to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the annual budgets for the residential and investment property held by the University;
(f) the Subcommittee shall obtain external valuation advice concerning any purchase or sale transaction in excess of £750,000;
(g) oversee the management and construction of all capital projects funded by the University, within pre approved financial limits, including the establishment of Project Boards;
(h) consider reports from Projects Boards submitted to it by the Programme Board;
(i) consider local planning consultations and related governmental policy changes affecting the University estate and make proposals to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee on the University responses where appropriate;
(j) assess benefits realisation on capital projects and use feedback to inform recommendations on guidelines and policies for capital projects planning and delivery;
(k) approve submissions for planning and listed building consent (excluding Joint Venture developments);
(l) oversee the development and recommend to the Planning and Resource Allocation Committee proposals for the Estate Strategy. Monitor the implementation of the Estate Strategy;
(m) oversee the management and maintenance of University-controlled car parks, and, following consultation with People Committee, approve charges for parking in University controlled car parks.
(2) The subcommittee shall establish and keep under review guidelines and policies for the management, maintenance of, and all works in, buildings on the University estate, and for University-controlled car parks.