Council Regulations 42 of 2002

Made by Council on 24 July 2002

Amended on 2 June 2011 (date of effect 1 October 2011), 12 June 2015 (Gazette, Vol. 145, pp. 578-580, 28 May 2015), 9 August 2019 (Gazette, Vol. 149, p. 635, 25 July 2019) and 16 July 2021 (Gazette, Vol.150, p.488, 1 July 2021)

1. The Rules Committee shall consist of:

(1) the Senior Proctor (or in his or her absence the Junior Proctor), who shall act as chair;

(2), (3) the two Proctors-elect;

(4), (5) two college deans elected by the Conference of Colleges;

(6) a member of Congregation appointed by Council;

(7) one sabbatical trustee of Oxford University Student Union;

(8)-(12) five student member representatives elected by the Oxford University Student Union, two of whom will ordinarily be graduates.

2. The members under regulation 1 (4)-(6) above shall hold office for three years, and shall not be eligible for reappointment or re-election until the expiry of three years from the date on which their period of office expires. Casual terms of office shall not count towards this limit.

3. The members under regulation 1 (7) - (12) above shall hold office for one year and shall not be eligible for reappointment or re-election under (7)-(12).

4. (1) If a member under regulation 1 (4)-(12) above dies or resigns or leaves the University during his or her period of office, his or her place shall either be filled for the remainder of his or her period of office by the body which appointed or elected him or her or (if that body so decides) be left vacant.

(2) If a member under regulation 1 (7)-(12) above dies or resigns or leaves the University before the expiry of one-half of his or her period of office, the provisions concerning re-eligibility shall apply to his or her successor as if his or her successor had served for a full period; otherwise those provisions shall not apply.

5. Except in the case of casual vacancies, the members under regulation 1 (4) - (12) above shall take up office on the first day of Michaelmas term.

6. The Rules Committee shall make regulations for the conduct of student members governing such matters as it thinks fit, except that it shall not make regulations in relation to:

(1) the matters covered by section 2 of Statute XI; or

(2) the dress of student members; or

(3) conduct in examinations.

7. The Rules Committee may make or amend regulations whenever it is necessary to do so, including regulations confirming a rule made by the Proctors under section 5 of Statute XI.

8. (1) The Rules Committee shall in each Hilary term review the regulations of the committee in force and shall before the end of each Hilary full term make any amendments or new regulations it considers necessary.

(2) Any such amendments or new regulations shall be published as having effect from the beginning of the following Michaelmas full term.

9. The Proctors shall arrange for the University student handbook to include information about the regulations of the committee.

10. (1) Any six members shall constitute a quorum for meetings of the Rules Committee.

(2) In the case of equality of votes at any meeting at which not all members are present, the matter shall be adjourned until a further meeting.

(3) If at this further meeting the voting is still equal, or if there is an equality of votes at a meeting at which all members are present, the Chair shall have a casting vote.

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