Part 16: Committee to Review Donations and Research Funding

Made by Council on 26 March 2009

Amended on 28 May 2009, 18 March 2010, 6 May 2010, 8 December 2011 (Gazette, Vol. 142, p. 438, 19 April 2012), 1 January 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p. 176-177, 8 December 2016), 27 June 2017 (Gazette, Vol. 147, p.582, 22 June 2017), 9 August 2019 (Gazette, Vol.149, p.632, 25 July 2019), 24 December 2021 (Gazette, Vol.152, p.140, 9 December 2021) and 2 August 2024 (Gazette, Vol. 154, p. 600, 18 July 2024).

Renumbered on 28 July 2011

1.1. The Committee to Review Donations and Research Funding shall consist of:

(1) a chair appointed by Council from among members of Council who are

(a) external members; or

(b) a Head of House (other than the Chair of the Conference of Colleges);

(2), (3) up to two external persons appointed by Council who shall bring relevant expertise of business and, preferably, of corporate social responsibility issues to the working of the committee;

(4) Chair of the Conference of Colleges or, subject to the approval of Council, his or her nominee;

(5)-(9) five members of Congregation appointed by Council who shall represent the divisions and bring relevant expertise to the working of the committee (for example, in holding significant external funding and partnerships, or in ethics, public affairs, or the law).

1.2 The committee may co-opt up to two further members, who may be internal or external, for such periods as the committee sees fit to ensure an appropriate range of expertise.

1.3. The committee shall:

(1) maintain and keep under review guidelines governing the acceptance by the University of:

(a) donations received by the University for any purpose; and

(b) funding received for the purpose of conducting research;

(2) consider and take decisions

(a) on whether acceptance by the University of any proposed donation or funding referred to it under the framework for the acceptability of donations and research funding may breach any of the guidelines made under paragraph (1);

(b) on cases referred to it under the framework referred to at regulation 18.3 (2) (a) above or otherwise in which information is received about a donor or a donation or funder or funding after it has been accepted which might or would have made the donation or funding unacceptable under the guidelines made under paragraph (1);

(c) on whether to approve the proposed nomination of any donor to the Chancellor's Court of Benefactors or the Vice-Chancellor's Circle, assessing whether, if the donation(s) qualifying the donor for consideration for such admission were then about to be made and were referred to the committee, it or they would be unacceptable by reference to the guidelines made under paragraph (1);

(3) advise the General Purposes Committee of Council on whether acceptance of a proposed sponsorship, referred to it by the General Purposes Committee of Council or any body acting under the delegated authority of that committee, may breach any of the guidelines made under paragraph (1) above;

(4) consider any matter that raises issues of a reputational, ethical or similar nature referred to it by the Research and Innovation Committee or Council;

(5) advise a college on whether acceptance of a proposed donation to that college may breach any of the guidelines made under paragraph (1) above if referred to the committee by that college.

1.4. The committee

(1) may refer to Council for final decision any matter considered under regulation 18.3 (2);

(2) shall refer to the General Purposes Committee of Council any matter which the committee considers raises issues falling outside its terms of reference.

1.5. Subject to the guidelines made under regulation 18.3 (1), a donation shall only be accepted if the identity of the donor is known and acceptable to the Chief Development and Alumni Engagement Officer, except in the case of use of intermediaries (including Donor Advised Funds), where the identity of the donor should be known and acceptable to both the Chair of the CRDRF and the Chief Development and Alumni Engagement Officer.

1.6. The committee shall provide an annual report to Council on its activities.

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