OfS - ongoing conditions

Last full review: December 2021

As an English higher education institution the University must comply with the OfS conditions of ongoing registration. Failure to comply with the ongoing conditions of registration could lead to significant sanctions ranging from enhanced monitoring to suspension or deregistration. There are 24 conditions of registration which are clustered into themes.


There is a new ongoing condition of registration 'E6 Harassment and Sexual Misconduct' that will apply from 1 August 2025.  Information on the University's compliance with this condition will be published in due course.

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OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance

A1 Access and Participation Plan

An Approved (fee cap) provider intending to charge fees above the basic amount to qualifying persons on qualifying courses must:
i. Have in force an access and participation plan approved by the OfS in accordance with HERA.
ii. Take all reasonable steps to comply with the provisions of the plan.

  • Approved APP in place
  • Delivering against plan
  • Governing Body engaged & monitoring plan
  • Taking action to ensure that the APP is delivered
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

The Academic Support Access and Participation Plan webpage provides links to the agreed APPs for 2020-21 to 2024-25. The published transparency data shows delivery against the plan. 

Council reviews and approves the plans; the PVC Education is responsible for ensuring that the APP is delivered. The Education Committee annually reviews progress against the plan and reports on this to Council.

A2 Participation of Access and Participation Plan

An Approved provider or an Approved (fee cap) provider charging fees up to the basic amount to qualifying persons on qualifying courses must:

i. Publish an access and participation plan.

ii. Update and re-publish this statement on an annual basis.


  • APP published
  • Re-published when updated
PVC Education/Academic Registrar

APP published on Academic Support web pages.

The OfS has now published its new approach to regulating equality of opportunity and the University submitted its new APP in May 2024, to take effect from 2025-26, following on from the current plan.  This has now been approved.


OfS Condition

Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
B1 Academic experience

The provider must ensure that the students registered on each higher education course receive a high quality academic experience.

A high quality academic experience includes but is not limited to ensuring that each higher education course: 

i. is up-to-date;

ii. provides educational challenge;

iii. is coherent;

iv. is effectively delivered; and

v. requires students to develop relevant skills.

  • High quality, academically rigorous, up-to-date courses
  • Skilled/qualified staff
  • Facilities/learning resources/student support
  • Research environment supports RDAPs
  • Effective Partnership arrangements where appropriate
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

Quality is reviewed annually in the Education Committee’s Annual Quality Assessment Report to Council and also by reference to the Proctors’ Report on Complaints and Appeals 

Quality assurance is provided by the external examiners which are required to sit on exam boards.

B2 Resources, support and student engagement

The provider must take all reasonable steps to ensure:

i. students registered on a higher education course receive resources and support to ensure:

a. a high quality academic experience for those students; and
b. those students succeeding in and beyond higher education; and

ii. effective engagement with students to ensure:

a. a high quality academic experience for those students; and
b. those students succeed in and beyond higher education.

  • Experienced and highly qualified teaching staff
  • Excellent facilities and resources, suited to the courses provided
  • Fair admissions system
  • Transparency information demonstrates fair access
  • Engagement with students, including collecting feedback
  • Support for student outcomes (all students)
  • Good record of continuation/completion, reliable and fair admission system
  • Fair and transparent complaints procedure 
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

Teaching staff are experts in their fields and are often at the forefront of research.

The University offers world class facilities and buildings.

The admissions process is described on the University website, accompanied by admissions statistics, access facts and transparency data.

The University provides extensive student support and has one of the highest completion rates in the UK, as shown in HESA data.

There is a fair and transparent complaints procedure in place.

The quality of support is reviewed annually in the Education Committee’s Annual Quality Assessment Report to Council and also by reference to the Proctors’ Report on Complaints and Appeals.

B3 Successful outcomes for all students, employment and further study
The provider must deliver successful outcomes for all of its students, which are recognised and valued by employers and/or enable further study.
  • Outcomes meet baseline standard (OfS)
  • Students from all backgrounds succeed
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

The University encourages graduates to participate in the Graduate Outcomes survey and has previously carried out its own student surveys, showing successful student outcomes.

Student outcomes are reviewed annually in the Education Committee’s Annual Quality Assessment Report to Council.

B4 Assessment and awards

The provider must ensure that:

i. students are assessed effectively;

ii. each assessment is valid and reliable;

iii. academic regulations are designed to ensure that relevant awards are credible;

iv. academic regulations are designed to ensure effective assessment of technical proficiency in the English language in a manner that appropriately reflects the level and content of the course; and

v. relevant awards granted to students are credible at the point of being granted and when compared to those granted previously.

  • Award threshold levels comparable to those elsewhere
  • External expertise input & assessment and classification processes reliable
  • Partnership arrangements in place where appropriate
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

The value of qualifications and quality of assessment are reviewed annually in the Education Committee’s Annual Quality Assessment Report to Council.

In independent league tables the University is consistently placed within the top three universities in the UK and within the top ten universities in the world.

B5 Sector-recognised standards

The provider must ensure that, in respect of any relevant awards granted to students who complete a higher education course provided by, or on behalf of, the provider (whether or not the provider is the awarding body):

i. any standards set appropriately reflect any applicable sector-recognised standards; and

ii. awards are only granted to students whose knowledge and skills appropriately reflect any applicable sector-recognised standards.

  • Threshold standards accord with FHEQ
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar The University publication A Brief guide to the UK quality code and its implementation at Oxford sets out how the University’s standards accord with the FHEQ.
The provider must participate in the Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF).
  • Must participate in the TEF
PVC Education/ Academic Registrar

Oxford University holds a gold TEF award.

Following submission for the most recent TEF exercise in January 2023, the University was again awarded gold.

OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
C1 Consumer Protection Law
The provider must demonstrate that in developing and implementing its policies, procedures and terms and conditions it has given due regard to relevant guidance about how to comply with consumer protection law.
  • Information published regarding legal compliance
  • Published course information
  • Student contracts/Ts&Cs
  • Compliant complaints process
  • Quick response to OfS queries
  • Regular review of relevant policies and procedures
Academic Registrar

The University has published a statement in respect of Consumer Protection Compliance.

The University publishes the University Student Handbook which is reviewed annually and contains information to help students make informed choices.

Students are provided with detailed information about the undergraduate courses and graduate courses offered and fees payable and also a comparison of the costs associated with different colleges.

Contractual information is published online, by admissions year.

There is a fair and transparent complaints procedure in place.

C2 Student complaints scheme
The provider must:
i. Cooperate with the requirements of the student complaints scheme run by the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education, including the subscription requirements.
ii. Make students aware of their ability to use the scheme.
  • Cooperation with the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA)
  • Payment to OIA
  • Making students aware of the scheme
Academic Registrar/ Proctors’ Office

The Oxford Students website about complaints and academic appeals and student conduct including procedures and guidance, and such information is also contained in the University Student Handbook.  The Proctors' Office website also contains relevant sources for staff and students. All these sites provide information about the OIA.

The Proctors prepare an annual report to Council on “Complaints and Appeals Investigated” and a more detailed annual report to the Education Committee which includes complaints, appeals and student conduct matters. Information is also published annually in the Gazette.

The OIA fee has been paid. 

C3 Student Protection Plan
The provider must:
i. Have in force and publish a student protection plan which has been approved by the OfS as appropriate for its assessment of the regulatory risk presented by the provider and for the risk to continuation of study of all of its students.
ii. Take all reasonable steps to implement the provisions of the plan if the events set out in the plan take place.
iii. Inform the OfS of events, except for the closure of an individual course, that require the implementation of the provisions of the plan.
  • Commitment to preserving continuation of study
  • Credible plan
  • Plan published and available to all applicants, students and staff
  • Annual review and updating of plan
  • Plan is fair and equitable for all students
  • Work with students when implementing plan, adequate notice etc.
Academic Registrar 

The University has a student protection plan in place, approved by OfS. This is reviewed and updated as necessary.


C4 Student protection directions
i. The provider must comply with any Student Protection Direction in circumstances where the OfS reasonably considers that there is a material risk that the provider will, or will be required by the operation of law to, fully or substantially cease the provision of higher education in England (“Market Exit Risk”).
ii. A Student Protection Direction may be varied or revoked (wholly or in part) by express provision in a subsequent Student  Protection Direction issued by the OfS in accordance with this condition of registration, and the OfS may otherwise revoke a Student Protection Direction by issuing a notice in writing to the provider.
iii. A Student Protection Direction (or, as the case may be, part of a Student Protection Direction) will cease to have effect in accordance with the following provisions:
a. in circumstances where a Student Protection Direction is varied or revoked (wholly or in part) by a subsequent Student Protection Direction, on and from the time and date that the subsequent Student Protection Direction takes effect; or
b. in circumstances where a Student Protection Direction is revoked by a notice in writing, on and from the time and date specified in that notice in writing.
iv. Where a Student Protection Direction ceases to have effect at any time (for any reason), that cessation does not in any way affect the ability of the OfS to investigate and/or take any form of regulatory or enforcement action in respect of any non compliance with that Student Protection Direction (whether or not the non compliance remains ongoing in nature) which took place during the period that the Student Protection Direction was in effect.

  • Compliance with this condition only becomes necessary in the event that a Student Protection Direction is put in place 
Academic Registrar Not applicable
OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
D Financial Sustainability
The provider must:
i. Be financially viable.
ii. Be financially sustainable.
iii. Have the necessary financial resources to provide and fully deliver the higher education courses as it has advertised and as it has contracted to deliver them.
iv. Have the necessary financial resources to continue to comply with all conditions of its registration.
  • Credible financial forecast and business plans
  • Compliance with accounts direction
  • Financial forecasts met
  • Operate within financial “facilities”
  • Invoices paid on time
  • Unplanned changes to activities avoided
  • Registration fees paid on time
  • Financial statements filed on time
Chief Financial Director

The published Financial statements of the University demonstrate that the University has credible financial forecasts and business plants and that it operates in compliance with accounts directions.  Financial forecasts are submitted annually to the OfS.

The University regularly reviews its compliance with funder terms and covenants and is compliant with all of these.

The University's policy, as set out in its standard terms and conditions, is to pay all invoices within 30 days of receipt. The University is up-to-date with the filing of financial statements.

OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
E1 Public Interest Governance
The provider’s governing documents must uphold the public interest governance principles that are applicable to the provider.
  • Notify OfS of relevant changes in governing documents (eg those that relate to DAPs) and submits revised documents
Director of Planning and Council Secretariat 

In December 2021 the University carried out a self-assessment of management and governance, which sets out how public interest governance principles are met. 

There has been no material change in any of these areas.

E2 Management and Governance
The provider must have in place adequate and effective management
and governance arrangements to:
i. Operate in accordance with its governing documents.
ii. Deliver, in practice, the public interest governance principles that are applicable to it.
iii. Provide and fully deliver the higher education courses advertised.
iv. Continue to comply with all conditions of its registration.
  • Published information about senior staff remuneration
  • Compliance with governing documents and statutory duties
  • Regular effectiveness reviews
  • Publicly available governing documents
  • Appropriate delegations only
  • Reports and minutes made publicly available
  • Register of conflicts of interest
  • Funds are used for purpose given
  • Published information about ensuring value for money
Director of Planning and Council Secretariat 

The University’s governing documents are its statutes and regulations, which are all publicly available. The University acts in compliance with these. The annual reports of the internal and external auditors are considered by Council during Michaelmas term each year and are considered at other times/by other committees as necessary.

From July 2015, Council minutes are publicly available. Minutes published prior to that are available behind single sign-on.

Information about senior staff remuneration is published on the Senior Remuneration Committee page of the website and the Vice Chancellor’s remuneration is included within the Financial Statements

The University’s legislation sets out the way in which delegations can be made by Council and by key officers of the University. Delegations by Council are set out in Council’s Standing Orders and the University maintains a register of officer delegations. The governance processes in place ensure that all of these delegations are appropriate.

The self-assessment of management and governance provides further details.

Information about ensuring value for money is included in the Value for Money Strategy on the website.

E3 Accountability
The governing body of a provider must:
i. Accept responsibility for the interactions between the provider and the OfS and its designated bodies.
ii. Ensure the provider’s compliance with all of its conditions of registration and with the OfS’s accounts direction.
iii. Nominate to the OfS a senior officer as the ‘accountable officer’ who has the responsibilities set out by the OfS for an accountable officer from time to time.
  • Compliance with accounts direction
  • Promptly addressing any issues with conditions of registration
  • Notifying OfS of any changes to the accountable officer

Finance Director

Director of Planning and Council Secretariat


The published Financial Statements demonstrate compliance with accounts direction.

An accountable officer (the Vice-Chancellor) has been nominated to the OfS. the change of accountable officer on 1 January 2023 was notified to and approved by the OfS.

The General Purposes Committee on behalf of Council carries out an annual self-assessment of compliance with conditions.

E4 Notification of changes to the Register
The governing body of the provider must notify the OfS of any change
of which it becomes aware which affects the accuracy of the information contained in the provider’s entry in the Register.
  • Provide information to OfS within 28 days regarding any change to information published in the OfS register.

Director of Planning and Council Secretariat 

No amendments have been required to be made to the register.
E5 Facilitation of electoral registration
The provider must comply with guidance published by the OfS to facilitate, in cooperation with electoral registration officers, the electoral registration of students.
  • Provide information to electoral registration officer when requested
  • Facilitation of partnership working with electoral registration officer
  • Provision of accessible information to students regarding registering to vote
Academic Registrar

Information about how to register to vote is provided to all new students as a part of the general induction information.

Data is submitted to the electoral officer as required. The University has worked closely with relevant authorities in attempts to properly engage students with electoral registration.

E6 Harassment and sexual misconduct


  • Maintain a single comprehensive source of information which sets out policies and procedures on subject matter relating to incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct
  • Ensure compliance of the source of information with minimum content requirements and principles
  • Adhere to requirement regarding maintenance of historical versions
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) Evidence to be provided in due course
OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
F1 Transparency Information
The provider must provide to the OfS, and publish, in the manner and form specified by the OfS, the transparency information set out in section 9 of HERA.
  • Provide information to OfS by deadline
  • Publish information on website
Academic Registrar

Transparency data is published on the website.

F2 Student Transfer arrangements
The provider must provide to the OfS, and publish, information about its arrangements for a student to transfer.
  • Provide information to the OfS regarding transfer arrangements
  • Publish information regarding transfer arrangements
Academic Registrar

Student transfers in are not permitted.

The University provides assistance to students wishing to transfer out.

Information on student transfer arrangements is available on the academic support site.

F3 Provision of Information to the OfS
For the purpose of assisting the OfS in performing any function, or exercising any power, conferred on the OfS under any legislation, the governing body of a provider must:
i. Provide the OfS, or a person nominated by the OfS, with such information as the OfS specifies at the time and in the manner and form specified.
ii. Permit the OfS to verify, or arrange for the independent verification by a person nominated by the OfS of such information as the OfS specifies at the time and in the manner specified, and must notify the OfS of the outcome of any independent verification at the time and in the manner and form specified.
iii. Take such steps as the OfS reasonably requests to co-operate with any monitoring or investigation by the OfS, in particular, but not limited to, providing explanations or making available documents to the OfS or a person nominated by it or making available members of staff to meet with the OfS or a person nominated by it.
The requirements in paragraphs (ii) and (iii) do not affect the generality of the
requirement in paragraph (i).
  • Quality and timeliness of information
  • Reporting of “reportable events”
  • Provision of information to SLC
  • Reporting to OfS of information with a material impact
  • Resource and expertise in place (data capability)
Director of Planning and Council Secretariat

Reportable events are reported to OfS as required, eg two were reported in 2023-24.

F4 Provision of Information to DDB (HESA)
For the purposes of the designated data body (DDB)’s duties under sections 64(1) and 65(1) of HERA, the provider must provide the DDB with such information as the DDB specifies at the time and in the manner and form specified by the DDB.
  • Accurate data submitted on time
  • Responding appropriately to data audit/queries
Various (depending on source of data) The Data Assurance Group coordinates and quality assures the submission of HESA data returns.
OfS Condition Indicators Responsibility Evidence of Compliance
G1 Mandatory fee limit
A provider in the Approved (fee cap) category must charge qualifying persons on qualifying courses fees that do not exceed the relevant fee limit determined by the provider’s quality rating and its access and participation plan.
  • Fees in line with levels published and included on register
Academic Registrar Colleges are required to confirm that they have charged fees in accordance with published fee schedules.
G2 Compliance with terms and conditions of financial support
The provider must comply with any terms and conditions attached to
financial support received from the OfS and UKRI under sections 41(1) and/or 94(2) of HERA. A breach of such terms and conditions will be a breach of this condition of registration.
  • Compliance with OfS and UKRI terms and conditions of support
  • Governance arrangements to oversee regularity and value for money
Finance Director

The Data Assurance Group, which reports to Audit and Scrutiny Committee, has appropriate data capability and oversees the submission of quality checked data returns to OfS and JISC (the OfS's Designated Data Body).  All returns were submitted on time in 2023/24.

Ad hoc data requests or OfS visits would be coordinated by the Director of Planning and Council Secretariat.

All requited reports have been made to the OfS.

G3 Payment to OfS and designated bodies
The provider must pay:
i. Its annual registration fee and other OfS fees in accordance with regulations made by the Secretary of State.
ii. The fees charged by the designated bodies.
  • Payment of fees in full and by the deadline
Finance Director Arrangements are in place to ensure that the OfS invoice is paid on time.