Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council

The Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council reports on whether statutes made by colleges under the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act, 1923, directly affect the University within the meaning of section 46 of the Schedule to the Act, or constitute alterations of statutes which affect the University within the meaning of section 7 (2) of the Act.

The Committee also draws attention to the implications, if any, which alterations to college statutes may have for the University and colleges as a whole. 

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Membership as at 2024-25 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Mr John S Bowers, Principal of Brasenose, Faculty of Law (Chair) One of up to five members appointed by Council MT 2025
[2] Professor William Swadling, Brasenose As above MT 2027
[3] Professor John Armour, Oriel As above MT 2027
[4] Professor Joshua Getzler, St Hugh's As above MT 2027

The Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder, Master of Pembroke

As above MT 2027
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Ms Louise Hasler)


The Committee deals with issues by correspondence only. 

This document sets out the procedures to be followed to comply with the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923, and the latest information from the Privy Council Office (PCO) on its requirements as to the submission of documentation, to amend college statutes.



For the regulations of the Committee on Statutes before the Privy Council please click here:


Contact us

Louise Hasler

Assistant Registrar (Governance)

Planning and Council Secretariat