College Contributions Committee

The College Contributions Committee is responsible to Council for the proper administration of the Oxford College Contributions Fund and the College Contributions Scheme, and for the distribution of income from both. 

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Membership as at MT 2023 will be as follows:

  Name Conditions of appointment Until
[1] Dame Hilary Boulding, President of Trinity A Chair appointed by the Vice-Chancellor MT 2024
[2] Dame Helen Ghosh, Master of Balliol One of three persons appointed by Council, one of whom shall be appointed from among its own members MT 2025
[3] Ms Helen King, Principal of St Anne’s As above MT 2027
[4] Dr David Prout, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) As above MT 2027
[5] Mr Andrew Parker, Somerville One of four persons elected by the Conference of Colleges MT 2025
[6] Mr Philip Parker, Brasenose As above MT 2025
[7] Baroness Royall of Blaisdon, Principal of Somerville As above MT 2027
[8] Mr Charles Alexander, Merton As above MT 2025
 Co-opted (subject to the approval of the Chairman of the Conference of Colleges and the Chairman of Council on each occasion, the committee may co-opt up to two external members for such periods as it sees fit, on condition that the committee shall be satisfied that those appointed have no financial interest in any college of the University).
Secretary: Planning and Council Secretariat (Ms Aristea Gkontra)


Attending Officers:

  • Senior Proctor 
Date Time  
14 January 2025 11.00  
4 February 2025 11.00  



For the regulations of the College Contributions Committee please click here:


Contact us

Aristea Gkontra

Senior Administrative Officer (Governance)

Planning and Council Secretariat