Audit and Scrutiny Committee membership and meeting dates


Conditions of appointment  
Until beginning of
[1] Ms Sharmila Nebhrajani OBE

An external member of Council appointed by Council who shall not be a member of any other body or hold any position, which in the view of Council involves executive authority within the University, who shall chair the committee

HT 2026
[2] Mr Geoff Nicholas One of four external persons appointed by Council, at least two of whom shall have experience at a senior level in the non-public sector and all of whom shall bring relevant expertise to the working of the committee TT 2028
[3] Vacancy (vice Ms Kathryn Davis) As above HT 2025
[4] Ms Harriet Hepburn As above HT 2027
[5] Mr Andrew Kirkman As above HT 2027
[6] Sir Michael Dixon, Principal Green Templeton College A Head of House appointed by the Conference of Colleges MT 2026
[7] Dr Aomesh Bhatt, Department of Paediatrics One member of Congregation elected by Congregation from among members of the faculties in the Divisions of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences and of Medical Sciences who shall not serve on Council or on any committee which in the view of Council has mainline executive authority within the University, or hold any office in the University or any college which involves executive authority HT 2028
[8] Vacancy (vice Dr Anne Edwards, Brasenose)  One member of Congregation, not necessarily being a member of any division and not in any case being nominated in a divisional capacity, who shall be elected by Congregation who shall not serve on Council or on any committee which in the view of Council has mainline executive authority within the University, or hold any office in the University or any college which involves executive authority

HT 2025

[9] Professor Joe Moshenska, Faculty of English One member of Congregation elected by Congregation from among members of the faculties in the Humanities and of Social Sciences who shall not serve on Council or on any committee which in the view of Council has mainline executive authority within the University, or hold any office in the University or any college which involves executive authority HT 2028
Secretary: Head of Risk and Resilience (Mr Neil Unsworth OBE)


Officers in attendance:

  • Assessor and Proctors
  • Registrar
  • Director of Assurance
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Head of Internal Audit
  • External Auditor representatives
  • Divisional representatives
  • Vice Chancellor (annually)
  • Director of Legal Services (annually)


 Dates coming up are:

Thursday 6 March 2025 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 14 February)

Thursday 12 June 2025 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 23 May)

Thursday 30 October 2025 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 03 October)

Wednesday 12 November 2025 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 31 October)
Friday 6 March 2026 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 20 February)
Thursday 11 June 2026 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 28 May)
Thursday 29 October 2026 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 15 October)
Wednesday 12 November 2026 (Final Papers to Secretary no later than 02 November)


Standing Orders

Cover Sheet for Meeting Papers (download to app)